Master Bedroom Redecoration Progress Vol.2

The master bedroom has finally been plastered.  Its all looking rather chocolatey brown at present!

The weather changed and got colder just after we had it done so having to have the window open to let the moisture out hasn't been easy.  Infact it's been downright freezing!

However over the past 6 days it has gone from this... this...

And now looks this and is ready to paint!

The paint is at the ready, I have gone for Crown Soft Ochre, a sandy coloured cream basically.  Who comes up with these weird and wonderful paint names!
The Wallpaper for the feature wall is Evita in Damson from Graham and Brown.

I have ordered some soft underfoot but hard wearing carpet from Carpet Right (called Timeless Luxury in Cashmere if you are interested).  So that will be fitted as soon as the decorating is done.  Currently on track for it to be completed before Christmas.

I am currently on the hunt for 2 bedside table lamps, either in gold, cream or purple/plum.

Here is my Master Bedroom Redecoration post which contains the 'before' shots of the bedroom.
You may also be interested in my Master Bedroom Decor Haul.
Croc print heart plaques

My next post on this subject should be the finished result!
