Welcome back to week 4's update, the last month has flown by! Apologies that this update is so late, I just haven't found the time to blog lately and there are tonnes of posts I need to finish/start. Anyway here goes...
I got in another 3 workouts this week which consisted of:
Monday = 15 minutes on exercise bike
Tuesday = 6 minute HIIT workout
Friday = 6 minute HIIT, 6 min abs & 6 minute bum toning
I like to mix it up a bit and use various YouTube channels for the workouts that I feel in the mood for.
It has been another difficult week on the eating front...I had 3 days annual leave from work this week (5 days if you include the weekend. It was my Birthday week and I had a few day trips planned for while we were off. So obvs as it was my Birthday there was cake involved, chocolate cake to be exact and oh my it was gooood, worth every calorie! I chose not to log anything on My Fitness Pal on my Birthday.
I also had a meal out on my Birthday and took a day trip to Weymouth, I have done a blog post on it here which includes where I ate the yummy (yet unhealthy) meal below.
I was a tad worried about stepping on the scales. It turned out my muscle had increased slightly but the bad news was the half an inch I had lost off my weight last week had re-appeared, darn it!
I am back to work/routine next week so that will make it easier on the eating front.
Check back next week for week 5's update.
Kads x
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