What I Ate Wednesday No.51

Here is the next instalment of What I Ate Wednesday for you guys.


Oat So Simple porridge with...Lotus Biscoff biscuit spread spread...OMG heaven in a jar - this was 1 awesome breakfast!  Cup of tea.  

I have done a whole post on the Lotus Biscoff biscuit spread which you can find here.


2 potato cakes topped with scrambled eggs.  This is such a filling meal it is really surprising and so quick to make.  Washed down with a glass of water.


Homemade thin crust pizza topped with mozzarella, cheddar, mushrooms and a little basil.  Surprised myself with this one - it was delish!  Glass of water.

You can find my previous What I Ate Wednesday posts here.

Thanks for stopping by!

Kads x
